Thursday, May 3, 2012


Yes, my musings have been very silent for a couple of months - my apologies. Since March, our agency has been in "move planning" mode, and we finally opened for business at our new digs this past Monday. Since then, I've actually managed to put the (mostly) finishing touches on some upgrades to parts of our B2B web portal. I even managed to hack together a little "event request + approve/deny" workflow app that some of our clients & administrators have been clamoring for. The new changes and beta for the new app should be getting the "rock party" treatment over the next few days, so hopefully I can get some notes cobbled together for a post or two.

On top of all of that, I also just returned a couple of weeks ago from the Percona Live MySQL 2012 Conference in Santa Clara, CA! It was my first time visiting the West Coast, and it was also my first industry IT conference. Even though I was one of a handful of MS SQL devs in a convention center full of LAMP stack aficionados, I felt very welcomed, inspired, and challenged throughout the week. I even have "install Apache, MySQL, Eclipse, Subversion, and Yii" on my "to do" list at home, so there goes my free time for the next foreseeable year or three! Huge shout-out to Sheeri Cabral from Mozilla for her AMAZING White-hat Google Hacking session, and also a big thank you to the folks from Couchbase for the RC helicopter drawings - house-pets and co-workers BEWARE!